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Private Instrumental Music Students' Spring Recital

To: Private Instrumental Music Students
Re: Spring Recital Dates

Hi all! See below for your music recital date and time. Looking forward to a great month!
Please note that all recitals will be held in the Regina Seidelhofer Recital Hall at FSPA.
Please note: a separate memo will be going out regarding voice class and private voice studio recitals.

Sunday, June 9 10:30 Kim
Sunday, June 9 11:30 Ida/Irina
Sunday, June 9 2:00 Jeff
Saturday, June 15 12:30 Seungok

Please read the following information carefully. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at or your voice teacher directly.

❑ All FSPA music students should wear “concert dress” when performing in a recital. This means a dress, dress pants or skirt and blouse, jumper, etc. and dress shoes or sandals, dress pants, button-down shirt or golf shirt and dress shoes, loafers, etc. No jeans, sneakers or baseball hats!
❑ Performers should not wear any jewelry (rings, bracelets, or watches) at the recital. Earrings are fine.
❑ Please be sure to confirm your arrival times at FSPA on the day of the recital with your teacher.
Thank you!

Kim Rezendes
Assistant Director

Franklin School for the Performing Arts
 2024 FSPA